Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'd rather look at pictures of cute animals, but this is important.

Monday's Washington Post reports on a leaked ICRC report that documents torture of detainees at CIA prisons.

This just drives home how badly we need a truth and reconciliation commision, like the one proposed by Senator Patrick Leahy. As much as I'd like the administration and the legislature to focus on fixing the economy, heathcare, and energy crises--not to mention dealing with our foreign policy messes like responsible adults--I think we need to do this. As much as I would rather look at pictures of cute animals, I think we all need to come to terms with our role in this as citizens. Yes, you. And me. Whatever benefits we derive from our citizenship--and the benefits are many--we have a responsibility to pay attention to what our government's doing on our behalf.

So before you click to something more palatable, there's one simple action you can take: sign Senator Leahy's petition. We need our history books to reflect the truth of the last eight years. It would serve us well if the chapter concluded with a national dialogue that restored the world's faith in the United States as a defender of human rights. It would serve us well if our children can believe their presidents when they say, "We do not torture."

Please add your name to the petition calling for a non-partisan truth and reconciliation commission.

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